$ef0|1-Oops! Bugger! $fef Apologies to all - from Dr.Dick! $bffTokyo Wars is by Namco - Thanks for pointing that one out Panead! What was I thinking of? Possibly I was confuddling it with all those other arcade games that Sega are getting out by the truckload, I don't know, they can't launch a console to save their lives so they shovel out all those arcade machines, sigh... So, if anyone has lost sleep over my gaff (did I really say it was Sega sevral times?), I apologise profusely and without reserve - sorry! Dick .----------------------------------------------------. | Dr.Dick@Virgin.net IRC: Dr-Dick on #wibbleworld | | ICQ: 1809384 (Saturdays 10pm-1am on DALnet) | | The website: http://freespace.virgin.net/dr.dick/ | |----------------------------------------------------| | K6-225Mhz/75vx/64Mb/1Gb/x2/4x4CD/Mstq/UAE (@^@) | `------------------------------------------oOO(_)OOo-' $8ffend